Tailoring in The War Within (Khaz Algar Tailoring) has gone through a few changes. There is no longer a common quality cloth; instead there are three uncommon cloths, of which one is found frequently and the other two more rarely. The frequently found Weavercloth drops from humanoids, and the Textile Treasures specialization can increase the drop chance and amount of cloth that drops.
This Tailoring guide for The War Within is what we think is the most efficient way of leveling your Tailoring profession, focusing on minimal amounts of crafts and picking up knowledge points, while not breaking the bank as you go.
Tailoring Trainer & Crafting Table Location
The Tailoring trainer in The War Within is Kotag, they are located in the outer area of The Foregrounds in the south of Dornogal, The Tailoring Crafting table is located next to the trainer.

List of Materials Required
This is a list of materials required to get your Khaz Algar Tailoring to 65. The last 35 levels will vary depending on what Specialization you decide to choose.
- 260 Weavercloth
- 505 Mosswool Thread (Tailoring Vendor)
- 50 Writhing Sample
- 6 Storm Dust
- 4 Leyline Residue
The amount of Weavercloth above is a rough estimate. Because you receive a random amount of Spool of Weaverthread for every 5 Weavercloth, somewhere between 10 and 20, you may need a significant amount more or less Weavercloth.
Leveling The War Within Tailoring
Level 1-25
To start leveling Tailoring you begin by Unraveling Weavercloth, to create Spool of Weaverthread, until you reach level 7.
At level 7, returning to the trainer will give you 3 new recipes: Weavercloth Bolt, Weavercloth Bandages and Pioneer’s Cloth Cuffs.
Craft Weavercloth Bolt until you hit level 13, then craft a single Weavercloth Bandage for the knowledge point which gets you to level 14.
Note: You will need to unravel a lot more Weavercloth and create a lot more Weavercloth Bolts. However, we suggest crafting them in smaller batches as you need them, instead of crafting many of them in one chunk and potentially wasting materials.
- Craft the Pioneer’s Cloth Cuff to bring you to level 16.
- Continue crafting the Weavercloth bolts until level 19.
- Return to the trainer and you will learn a few new recipes.
- Craft Pioneer’s Cloth Slippers to get to level 21.
At level 21, the trainer will have 2 more important recipes for you to learn: Pioneer's Cloth Robe and Pioneer’s Perfected Cord, which will get you to level 25. Craft them in this order:
- Pioneer’s Cloth Robe
- Pioneers’ Perfected Cord
Level 26-45
The trainer will now have a lot of new recipes, make sure you craft the next group of items in the order we have listed below. Be observant that one of the recipes you should craft twice:
- 2x Exquisite Weavercloth Bolt
- Pioneer’s Perfected Cloak
- Pioneer’s Perfected Leggings
- Weavercloth Tailor’s Coat
- Weavercloth Chef’s Hat
You can equip the Tailor's Coat as soon as you crafted it, granting you Multicraft and bonus skill (this does not affect the amount of skill ups you can gain).
Return to the Tailoring trainer and learn the new recipes they are offering. Craft the following items in the order listed below to get to level 43.
- Pioneer’s Perfected Hood
- 2x Pioneer’s Perfected Mantle
- Pioneer’s Perfected Gloves
The trainer will have 2 new recipes: Bright Polishing Cloth and Gritty Polishing Cloth. Craft one of each to reach level 45.
Level 46-65
The trainer can now teach you the Weavercloth Embroidery Thread recipe. This recipe gives guaranteed skill ups until level 55, a high chance of skill levels until level 60 and turns gray at level 65. We recommend crafting this recipe until level 65 as you will use these a lot during later Tailoring.
At this point there will not be any more recipes from the Tailoring trainer that grant skill ups.
Level 66-100
From level 65 Tailoring onwards the only crafts that give guaranteed skill ups are crafted gear that require Spark of Omens to craft, which are recipes you learn through knowledge points and the profession specializations.
For this reason we recommend you put 5 early knowledge points into the Threads of Devotion Specialization, as this will open a sub-specialization, which in turn immediately opens another sub-specialization which teaches you a new recipe; these items require a spark to make.

If you want the most options we recommend the first sub-specialization to be Weathering Wear as this gives you access to four gearslots: cloaks, boots, helms and gloves; instead of only two or three options from the other paths.
If you want to collect your own materials, thus wanting to place points in the Textile Treasure specialization, we still recommend you put 5 early points in Threads of Devotion to have access to a recipe beyond level 65.
As a reminder you will be able to use the new patron system (NPC work orders) to craft spark items more often than you were able to in Dragonflight. If an NPC orders a gearpiece which requires a spark item, the NPC will provide the spark.
Darkmoon Faire
When Darkmoon Faire is active you can gain 2 skill points and 3 knowledge points; it will be a short quest from Selina Dourman called Banners, Banners Everywhere!.
We recommend leaving this as late as possible to get the most value out of the increased skill points.