With the release of The War Within early access, many players are looking for materials to kick-start their professions. With cloth dropping significantly less than previous expansions, Tailors are going to have to farm for it, at least to begin with while leveling up. And as usual, Darkmoon Card trinkets will be a desired item early in the expansion, but Inscriptioners can no longer just make the cards. They have to find them first, to then recraft them.
We have found a great spot to farm both for Darkmoon Cards and Weavercloth, which is located on the Isle of Dorn, by The Opalcreg mine, just a little bit south of Dornogal.

For best yields we suggest using a 2x4 hyperspawn, meaning you should arrange two groups of four farming in the area which causes mobs to spawn a lot faster, in this case Nerubians.
To make this farm work your character will need both the Tailoring and Inscription professions, and preferably have specced into gaining more cloth/cards. Remember, if you are lacking Knowledge points and have not collected all the profession treasures we have a guide on the location of the profession treasures.
In the War Within, being a tailor will make Weavercloth drop significantly more than if you are not a tailor. A great spec for farming cloth is to firstly unlock the Textile Treasures specialization, as this will increase the amount of Weavercloth you can get (and occasionally you will get Weavercloth Bolts). Secondly unlock the From Dawn Until Dusk specialization and then pick the sub specialization for either Dawnweave or Duskweave, which will cause these to start dropping.
If you use the farmspot with only one of the two spec suggestions above, you will still get a decent amount of cloth but it will be a lot lower than if you have both. If you have none of the specializations it is probably a waste of time to join the farm.
In the War Within, being a scribe will make mobs occasionally drop Darkmoon Cards. A great spec for farming cards is to first unlock the Archival Additions specialization, which will let you further sub-specialize into Cryptic Collections. Finally you will want to pick which type of card you want to drop more often and specialize into that. If you use the farmspot without having a Darkmoon specialization you will get less cards.
To fully maximize the potential of the farmspot, have a second character with Enchanting. You will receive a lot of green items, which can be disenchanted for Storm Dust. The enchanter could be specialized into Designated Disenchanter, and then into the Uncommon Utilitarian sub-specialization to increase the Quality of the Storm Dust you receive.
As this is on the Isle of Dorn you will very rarely receive Crackling Shards which are required to get your hands on the Alunira mount!