Liberation of Undermine

Rik Reverb Mythic Boss Guide

Rik Reverb
Last Updated: 11th Mar, 2025

Raid Setup


Welcome to our Mythic Rik Reverb boss guide, for the Liberation of Undermine raid. Learn about the Mythic specific Rik Reverb mechanics and the strategy we recommend to deal with this boss on Mythic difficulty!

Fight Style: Single Target fight (and some barrels)

Recommended Setup: 2x Tank / 4x Healer / 14x DPS

Enrage: Hard - When you reach 3rd intermission

Hero/Lust usage: On Pull

Guide Author's Thoughts


Feedback Nullifier Mechanic Icon

Feedback Nullifier

Amplifiers now spawn with a shield that prevents you from draining them. To remove the shield, 2 players with Faulty Zap need to collide within 8 yards of an Amplifier.

By doing so they will cause a Static Jolt that removes the shield and deals damage to the raid.

Resonant Echoes Mechanic Icon

Resonant Echoes

Getting hit by another Echo while the debuff is still up, the player becomes Entranced and needs to be nuked down to break the charm.

Sound Cannon Mechanic Icon

Sound Cannon

Players now have to soak the Sound Cannon Beam to split the damage. Every player dropping below 75% will get Entranced and needs to be nuked down to break the effect.


On mythic difficulty the fight changes in a few ways.

Firstly, the Amplifiers now spawn with a shield that prevents you from draining the energy; 2 players with Faulty Zap (blue circle) have to collide with each other while standing close to the Amplifier, this will remove the shield.

rik reverb mythic amplifier bait markers

Ranged players should bait on X, while Tank and melees start on skull. As the amplifiers spawn, you move from marker to marker until you end up at the end.

The Sound Cannon now needs to be soaked together to reduce the damage done to the player who is targeted by it. Everyone within the beam that falls below 75% HP will get Entranced and needs to be nuked down to remove the effect.

We suggest that you move the beam towards the barrels, if they are up, because most of the players will be naturally standing there.

Lastly, getting hit by 2 Echo circles that shoot out of the Amplifiers, within 6 seconds, will get the player Entranced, and you will need to nuke them down to break the effect. This makes dodging during Echoing Chant much more important because there are many circles going around the room. The same thing happens in the intermission.

Essentially, apart from added mechanics, you are playing the Heroic version of the fight, but you have to be better at dodging circles and killing barrels.

Failing to kill barrels on Mythic Rik Reverb will most certainly lead to deaths.

Keep in mind: Breaking the shield on the Amplifiers is your main priority.

You will get more than enough Faulty Zaps to break the Shield, but if players are slow to move into the position to break, the debuff will fade and you will fall behind; in the sense that the next time you get a new Faulty Zap, the Amplifier is already close or at 100 energy, which puts additional pressure on the healers. So focus on breaking the Shield as soon as possible to play it safe.


Northern Sky: Liberation of Undermine WeakAura Pack

This WeakAura also requires the Northern Sky Database and Functions WeakAura.