Raid Setup

Welcome to our Mythic Vexie and the Geargrinders boss guide, the first boss in Liberation of Undermine. Learn about the Mythic specific Vexie and the Geargrinders mechanics and the strategy we recommend to deal with this boss on Mythic difficulty!
Fight Style: Single-Target with occasional cleave
Recommended Composition: 2 Tanks / 4 Healers / 14 DPS
Useful Utilities: Grips and knocks for Intermission
Heroism / Bloodlust: Use during Intermission
Guide Author's Thoughts
Easy Mode
- Catch Oil Canisters after killing a Biker
- Fuel Biker with 2 Oil Canisters to use the bikes
- Prevent Support Rig from reaching the boss in Intermission with CC
Oil Canister
When a Biker is killed, it will drop 2 Oil canisters that have to be picked up (soaked), otherwise they spawn an oil puddle at the place of the impact. Players who catch the Canisters can then interact with a bike to re-fuel it. Refiling a bike 2x will allow you to use it to charge the boss.
Players who catch a canister receive a 500% damage taken from another soak for 1 minute.
Support Rig
An additional add in the intermission, it runs towards the boss and makes all Pit Mechanics around the boss CC immune, preventing you from kicking their Tune up channel.
The Support Rig can be fully crowd controlled in order to prevent it from reaching the boss and it will despawn after the intermission.
Phase 1 Strategy
The Mythic version of this fight has 2 notable changes, one per Phase / Intermission.
Killing a biker will now make them throw 2 fuel canisters close by, these need to be soaked by catching them. Players who catch the canisters then need to put the fuel into the damaged bike by interacting with them. Each bike needs 2 canisters of fuel to be usable.
Players should have a rule to refuel bikes from left to right, otherwise you might end up in a situation where there are 3 bikes but each has 1 stack of fuel. This is suboptimal because it delays the charges and adds more RNG to the fight; for example, you might suddenly have oil puddles in the way that prevent you from charging the boss.
Players that catch a canister, get a 500% damage taken debuff for 1 minute, this effectively prevents them from catching a canister again.
Failing to catch a canister will leave behind an Oil Puddle, but will not do raid wide damage.
With the additional factor of having to refuel the bikes before you can use them to charge into the boss, the fight becomes a race against time, because you do not have much wiggle room, unlike on Heroic.
You should aim to have at least 3 stacks removed by 50 energy.
Intermission Strategy
On Mythic, there is a fun little mechanic (literally) that makes everything much more complicated.
The support rig has a large circle around it, and will move towards the boss. Every Pit Mechanic within the circle will become CC immune and you won’t be able to stop their channel, which will effectively heal the boss back to full in the worst case scenario.
Luckily, support rigs can be CC’d and you should aim to do that, because they have a high HP pool and killing them is not recommended, since they despawn after the intermission is finished.
Use hard CC’s or things like Ring of Peace, Vortex etc. You can also grip it out of the boss range.
Once the intermission is over, repeat the process until the boss dies.
Keep in mind that if you feel at some point of the fight that you will kill the boss before Vexie reaches 100 energy, you can completely ignore all Bike related mechanics and just fight against the boss.
Northern Sky: Liberation of Undermine WeakAura Pack
This WeakAura also requires the Northern Sky Database and Functions WeakAura.