Liberation of Undermine

Vexie and the Geargrinders Heroic Boss Guide

Vexie and the Geargrinders
Last Updated: 3rd Mar, 2025

Raid Setup


Welcome to our Heroic Vexie and the Geargrinders boss guide, the first boss in Liberation of Undermine. Learn about Vexie and the Geargrinders mechanics and the strategy we recommend to deal with this boss on Heroic!

Even though this boss looks like it was ripped straight from a Mad Max movie, it's impossible not to find yourself humming the Tokyo Drift soundtrack as the boss makes its grand entrance in true high-octane fashion. Don’t believe us?

From the moment this fight begins, the energy is off the charts, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride.

Fight Style: Single-Target with occasional cleave.

Recommended Composition: 2 Tanks / 4 Healers / 14 DPS

Enrage Mechanic: Soft Enrage at 100 Energy.

Heroism / Bloodlust: Use during Intermission.

Guide Author's Thoughts

First bosses in a raid tier can be hit or miss; sometimes they're too easy, sometimes they demand too much, and often they just feel tedious. But Vexie breaks the mold! While this boss doesn’t overwhelm players with mechanics, it introduces a fun and chaotic element with the Bike interaction, which has sparked everything from competitive scrambling to outright hilarious moments in voice comms.

On top of that, the intermission phase is a dream for number-driven players, offering a full 45 seconds of pure DPS and healing uptime, a perfect window to flex those meters. Whether you're here for the mechanics or the parses, Vexie delivers a well-balanced and entertaining fight to kick off the raid tier.

Method boss rating: (5/5)

Easy Mode

  • Tank Vexie close to a wall
  • Drop Oil puddles away from the raid
  • Use fire to clear puddles in the way
  • Dodge bikers and kill them
  • Crash bikes into the boss to remove 6 stacks of Protective Plating
  • Intermission: Kill Pit mechanics & interrupt their cast


Protective Plating Mechanic Icon

Protective Plating

Boss starts with 6 applications of this, and it allows Vexie to gain energy over time.

Each bike that you crash into the boss, will remove one stack. Reaching 100 energy before you remove all the stacks will trigger Unrelenting CAR-nage (enrage).

Unrelenting CAR-nage Mechanic Icon

Unrelenting CAR-nage

At 100 energy, Vexie goes into overdrive, dealing heavy damage to all players every 2 seconds. This effect stacks and acts like a soft enrage.

Call Bikers Mechanic Icon

Call Bikers

Several Bikers will spawn on the opposite side of the room, charging at random players, dealing heavy damage to anyone caught in the path. Killing the bikers allows you to interact with the bike, and using the extra action button, you can drive into the boss. Each hit will remove 1 stack of Protective Plating.

Spew Oil Mechanic Icon

Spew Oil

Boss targets players with a large circle that drops an oil puddle on the ground after a few seconds. Standing within the puddle deals damage and makes the player slide with reduced movement speed.

Charging through an oil puddle with the bike will destroy the bike and stun the player.

Incendiary Fire Mechanic Icon

Incendiary Fire

Several players get shot at with fire balls for 6 seconds, taking damage and hitting anyone close by. Standing within an Oil puddle while getting shot at will consume the puddle.

Bomb Voyage! Mechanic Icon

Bomb Voyage!

Raid wide damage that cannot be avoided and lasts for 9 seconds.

Tank Buster Mechanic Icon

Tank Buster

Forces tank swap on each hit, and drops an oil puddle at the Tank’s location.

Additionally, every hit does raid wide damage for 6 seconds that increases with each hit.

Mechanical Breakdown Mechanic Icon

Mechanical Breakdown

When all Protective plating is removed, the boss goes into a breakdown, taking 100% increased damage. During that time, the raid takes heavy damage from Backfire and players are forced to dodge Burning Shrapnel. This lasts for 45 seconds.

Tune-Up Mechanic Icon


Vexie will call Pit-Mechanics to assist in repairs. If not interrupted, the boss restores 2% HP every 2 seconds from each Pit Mechanic channeling.

Mechanics can be CC’d and killed.

Phase 1 Strategy

You will want to Tank Vexie close to a wall in order to naturally stack the bikers close to the boss for extra cleave.

Raid should be loosely spread behind the boss, avoiding stacking up to reduce initial damage taken when targeted by Incendiary Fire.

Players targeted by Spew Oil should move to the opposite side to drop the puddles in a safe spot, and not in the path where tanks are going to move the boss. Every time a Tank Buster hits, tanks will want to adjust the position so they are not standing in an oil puddle.

Heroic vexie spew oil puddle movement

Players targeted by Incendiary Fire should run towards an oil puddle to clear it.

Once Vexie uses Call Bikers, 3 Bikers will spawn on the side of the room and target a random player. After a short delay, they will charge towards the player, hitting anyone in the path and dealing heavy damage to the player that gets hit.

Bikers will be AFK for a while and should be killed before they do another charge.

heroic vexie bikers pathing example

Pay attention to the lines at the point where they cross. Standing on those spots is lethal, since you are going to get hit by more than one Biker.

Once The Bikers are killed, players should interact with them and crash into the boss. By doing so you will remove 1 stack of Protective Plating. You need a total of 6 stacks removed to trigger the intermission.

You shouldn’t charge through an oil puddle, because this will destroy your bike and stun you for several seconds. However, currently it is possible to charge out of a puddle if the bike is already in one before you use it.

Make sure to remove all 6 stacks of Protective Plating before Vexie reaches 100 energy, otherwise you will trigger the enrage (Unrelenting CAR-nage).

Intermission Strategy

Once all stacks are removed, Vexie will go into AFK mode in which the boss takes 100% increased damage.

This is where you want to use Heroism and all your offensive cooldowns.

The raid will take heavy damage from Backfire and players will have to dodge some puddles.

Additionally, several pit-mechanics will spawn and run towards Vexie. Once they reach the boss, they will start channeling Tune-up, which heals the boss for 2% every 2 seconds, but given that there are several mechanics present, this can quickly turn into a 10% heal every 2 seconds.

To prevent this, you should interrupt the cast and kill them with a passive cleave. All forms of crowd control work as well, and the mechanics will despawn after the intermission is over.

After 45 seconds, the intermission is over and the fight re-starts.


Northern Sky: Liberation of Undermine WeakAura Pack

This WeakAura also requires the Northern Sky Database and Functions WeakAura.