Raid Setup

Welcome to our Mythic Ulgrax The Devourer raid boss guide! We will breakdown the Mythic mechanics and the strategy we recommend to deal with this boss on Mythic difficulty.
Fight Style: Single Target fight (and some bugs)
Recommended Setup: 2x Tank / 4x Healer / 14x DPS
Required utilities: None
Hero/Lust usage: On Pull
Carnivorous Contest
On Mythic, this ability now has a soft enrage if less than 6 players soak it (increases damage done by 250%).
Additionally, the players who soaked the circles, cannot do it again for a minute.
This means you will have to split your raid into 2 even groups of soakers, the best way is to have Ranged players go first, then entire melee go 2nd.
Stalker's Webbing
On Mythic difficulty, the web will now stun players and inflict damage every 2 seconds until players are broken out of it.
Bile-Soaked Spawn
A new intermission add that deals damage to all players the longer it is kept alive.
There are several of these up, so your goal is to group them all up and kill them as soon as possible.
There are barely any changes compared to the Heroic difficulty of this fight, other than damage taken and having to deal properly with Carnivorous Contest.
Healers need to pay attention to Venomous Lash casts as it deals way more damage now compared to heroic, especially after the intermission when the boss has several stacks of Hungering Bellows.
You want to tank the boss as close as possible to the middle and have your warlock place a gate from the back towards the boss.
Due to the area being covered in web puddles, players need to make sure to properly clear them with Green Circles and even by using immunities.
You always want to create a clear path, from the boss towards the back of the room, to safely take the warlock gate.
Start with your Ranged team soaking Carnivorous Contest in the back, and then have them take the gate when they get too close, otherwise they will get killed if under the boss.
The grip is fairly strong so using the gateway should be always your primary objective, as well as using speed increases to help out a little.
You repeat the same with your melee team on the 2nd grip.
This part of the fight plays the same as Heroic, but you now have a new add called Bile-Soaked Spawn.
This add will inflict raid wide damage as long as it is alive, and also hits the tank pretty hard.
Your goal here is to group up the small adds and the big adds together and AoE damage everything down. Pay attention to big adds, as they sometimes will melee a healer or a DPS.
Slowly move the adds towards the centre of the room while dodging the boss Charges.
As soon as the boss reappears and you need to feed, all the food should be very close to the boss and you will have no issue getting out of the Feeding Frenzy (and have low stacks).
Repeat the fight until the boss is dead. Ideally, you want to kill the boss before you reach 3rd intermission.