Raid Setup

Welcome to our Mythic The Bloodbound Horror raid boss guide! We will breakdown the Mythic mechanics and the strategy we recommend to deal with this boss on Mythic difficulty.
Fight Style: Single target fight with occasional Cleave / Multi-DoT
Recommended Setup: 2x Tank / 4x Healer / 14x DPS
Useful utilities: None
Hero/Lust usage: On Pull
All players get infused with Black Blood, creating circles around them that erupt after 5 seconds, dealing moderate damage to anyone standing within.
Players need to spread out with this.
The Mythic version of this boss is basically Heroic with Circles (Bloodcurdle) that force your players to spread out from time to time.
There is no extra challenge to it, and chances are you can kill this boss without any preparation, provided you know how to do the heroic version.
Regardless, here are some tips that will make this fight as smooth as possible.
Split into 2 groups, making sure that both teams are equal in damage and Crowd Control capabilities. You want to kill the adds fast, while being able to prevent little adds from reaching the boss. Grips and slows will help here.
Assign 2-3 players per group, mainly the ones with strong single target, to rush towards the add that spawns away from the grouped up adds. Failing to kill this one before time runs out will result in a wipe, as it will always spawn little adds that reach the boss.
The Mythic circles are not problematic, but they do force you to spread from time to time. As long as you are not clipping anyone, or you are not getting clipped, you do not have to worry about it as it leaves no puddle on the ground.
Tanks should place the beam so that the group that is fighting the bigger stack of adds has plenty of time. Remember that the beams spawn out of the bosses side/arms.
That way they can start moving towards the solo add when they are done with their stack.
Be vocal about little adds reaching the boss if you see it will happen. This gives healers plenty of time to prepare for the burst of raid damage that they do.
That’s everything to be aware of for Mythic The Bloodbound Horror, with no new real mechanics, you just need to get used to the higher damage taken and higher boss and add health!