Raid Setup

Welcome to our Mythic Rasha'nan raid boss guide! We will breakdown the Mythic mechanics and the strategy we recommend to deal with this boss on Mythic difficulty.
Fight Style: Single Target fight (with some lower health adds that spawn)
Recommended Setup: 2x Tank / 5x Healer / 13x DPS
Required utilities: None
Hero/Lust usage: On Pull
Enveloping Webs
Frontal Ability that targets the largest clump of players and covers the area in white swirls. Getting hit by these will inflict heavy damage to the player and imprison them in a tomb of web until destroyed.
Spinneret's Strands
This now links all the players together for 4 seconds after dropping the ring, killing anyone who is caught in between the link (check strategy section for a more detailed explanation).
This fight is very healing intensive with a generous enrage timer, therefore we suggest running an extra healer to add more stability to your raid.
There are 3 noticeable differences on Mythic difficulty:
Enveloping Webs is a frontal ability that will target the largest clump of players, covering a large portion of the platform in grey swirls that will put the player in a web prison until destroyed. This ability becomes easier to dodge when players spread more, as it creates extra gaps in between.
Rolling Acid works the same as on Heroic, but you now have a 3rd Wave (side). When done properly, your entire raid is “trapped” within a safe Triangle.
And Finally, the signature ability on Mythic is now Spinneret's Strands.
On Heroic, you would have players move out of the raid, and break their link, dealing damage to the entire raid. On Mythic you are doing the same, but now it is more crucial that nobody else gets hit by it except you and that all the players must go to the same side with it, without clipping each other.
Once the ability hits, the players need to break their primary link, and then get close together as they become tethered to each other. The way this web link works is that after 4 seconds, it will automatically disappear and kill anyone who was standing within.
All you really need to do here is to stack with each other (other tethered players) and wait till the link expires.
Your raid leader should always call the location of where the Spinneret's Strands targets should go (left, right or behind) and they should all go to that side. This is important, because having one person on the opposite side would create a circle around the raid with the web link, which will result in killing a few players caught in between.
Fight Overview
The fight will feel like it did on Heroic, just with increased damage and the few additions that do not really alter the fight in a lot of ways.
Make sure that your entire team is always soaking the Web Reave circle each time the boss changes sides, having even a few people not soak it will add additional raid damage that can quickly lead to deaths.
Each platform has every ability but a different order.
The hardest combos are always Waves with Spinneret's Strands. Whenever this happens, you need to go extra far with waves to give Strand targets space to place their circle, then break the initial link and finally get close to each other until the web link disappears.
Make sure to have assigned speed boosts, rescues and grip when swapping platforms. The healing becomes intensive here and you really want to Interrupt the Acidic Eruption boss cast as soon as possible, but when you do it, you will instantly get a Web Reave circle to soak, so if you are lacking several players, damage might become lethal. AMZ and Spirit Link Totem are great here!
The 1st boss jump is also the hardest one, so make sure that one is done very well.
Overall, just play the mechanics and be aggressive on personal defensive usage whenever you get an ability on you and this fight shouldn’t take you long to defeat.