Raid Setup

Welcome to our Mythic Broodtwister Ovi'nax raid boss guide! We will breakdown the Mythic mechanics and the strategy we recommend to deal with this boss on Mythic difficulty.
Fight Style: AoE fight
Recommended Setup: 2x Tanks / 4x Healers / 14x DPS
Required utilities: Mass grips, Oppressing Roar (Evoker), Stuns, Blessing of freedom
Hero/Lust usage: On Pull
Experimental Dosage
In Mythic, 8 players will get the circles that you use to break eggs and every egg needs to be hit by 2 circles in order to break.
Each section has its own forced Mutation. Meaning that you will always fight the mutated version of that Add type.
- 1st section - Mutated Parasites
- 2nd section - Mutated Spiders
- 3rd section - Mutated Worms
Each time you move to another section of the room, you keep the mutated version of the previous one.
Let’s first begin with the setup.
Worm Kicks
You will need 3 teams of 4 players, each kicking their own worm. The closest Worm to where you want to put the boss should always be done with melees, and the other Worm should be focused by ranged players.
On sets where you have 3 worms up, the 3rd group should be a mix between melee and ranged players.
We recommend that the 1st player kicking the worm puts the Marker on the Worm; if you use BW/DBM, then the markers will be inconsistent and might change each pull.
Macro for assigning Worm Marker:
/focus [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm]
/run SetRaidTarget("focus", 7)
Parasite CC
As the eggs break, have your Druid or Evoker knock the parasites on their side towards the boss.
Have your DK/DH mass grip all of them, followed up by an Oppressing Roar by your evoker. Do a Chaos Nova or Leg Sweep, followed by a Capacitor Totem and if still necessary, use any available stun afterwards. You do this on every single egg set.
Blessing of Freedom
Your Paladin can macro their Blessing of Freedom spell to give to someone and themselves. This can be done for every single Sticky Web cast, meaning your paladin and the chosen player will never get the large circles that need to be dispelled. Prioritise a melee player with low mobility or escape (rogue for example).
Egg Breaking
You can have one player place all the markers using a WeakAura that sets a new marker on each key press, in the same order: Or, you can have several players all place one marker. This is entirely up to your preference.
The order of the eggs is fairly simple and easy to remember.
You need 2 players with a circle per egg. Keep in mind that there are now many sets where there are 2 eggs on the same spot. In this case, all you need to do is make sure both circles are hitting both eggs, if one of them misses, you will not break an egg and it’s a wipe.
Failing to break an egg will result in a wipe on Mythic because the damage taken from the DoT becomes too much for healers to handle.
Here you can see all the sets, markers, timers and CC rotation once again.
And here you can see the knock spots:
The flow of the fight
Now that we covered the things you need to set up for the fight, let's talk about how all this looks in action.
Essentially, you are doing the exact same things you did on Heroic, but everything needs to be much more precise and you have little room for mistakes.
The main 2 abilities outside of the Breaking eggs, CC’s and killing adds are: Volatile Concoction and Sticky Web.
Volatile Concoction and Sticky Web
For Volatile Concoction, I recommend that the healers, tanks and the raid leader get a WA that shows the timer on it.
This ability must be taken very seriously as it is the number 1 reason for falling behind on healing or straight up wiping half of the raid.
Simply put, the tank needs to be full HP the moment this expires. Healers should always cast a heal just before this happens even if the tank is full, just to prevent a last sec melee hit or DoT from getting the tank below an acceptable threshold. Generally anything under 80% HP is already very dangerous.
The Sticky Web is also very problematic. You need to make sure that just before this ability is cast, your entire range team is properly spread so that most of them can be instantly dispelled. If everyone is grouped up and you have to wait for the spread, the DoT will do so much damage to the players that you are likely to lose a player to it. Especially in tight areas, you have to call this in advance and force players to adjust. Players are free to escape into the puddle if the space is tight as this does not do much if everything happens fast.
Now let’s take a look at the sections and how they are different from each other.
Section Breakdowns
Section 1:
This is the section that is mainly centred around killing parasites. Spiders and Worms are not buffed, so you will only need to passively cleave on them.
Here your main goal will be to learn the setup of Break Eggs > Knock Parasites > Grip > Oppressing Roar > Stuns and kicking the Worm Cast.
Section 2:
This section is the “Tank” section, meaning your biggest challenge will be killing spiders, keeping tanks alive and not wiping the raid with Volatile Concoction.
I suggest that during early progress you add more damage towards the spiders and readjust later once you feel confident enough.
Make sure you have tank externals properly planned for this section, especially for the 1st and 3rd set (3x spider sets).
Section 3:
This is the “hardest” section of the fight due to the fact that you have all 3 add variations buffed. The main challenge here will be making sure you kick everything, especially on 3x Worm sets. The Tank will also be in danger due to having buffed Spiders.
I suggest that early into progression, you start the fight in a different section once you mastered the 1st one.
So first do a pull where Section 1 is clean, then on the next pull start the fight in Section 2 and keep doing that until you have Section 2 clean. Afterwards you do the same with Section 3, and once you manage to do a clean pull on each section you can go back to proper order of the fight and put it all together.