Raid Setup

Welcome to our Mythic Nexus-Princess Ky'veza raid boss guide! We will breakdown the Mythic mechanics and the strategy we recommend to deal with this boss on Mythic difficulty.
Fight Style: Single Target fight
Recommended Setup: 2x Tanks / 5x Healers / 13x DPS
Required utilities: none
Hero/Lust usage: On Pull
Death Masks
Several Shadow images of Ky’veza get marked with a mask (glowing red). If the masks are still up by the time the intermission starts, it triggers a hard enrage.
You can remove the masks by hitting the boss with the Shadow Images, but by doing so, your entire raid will take ticking damage for 12 seconds. This DoT stacks based on how many masks you removed at the same time.
Your goal is to aim to remove 2 masks on the first set of each phase, and whatever is remaining on the 2nd set.
The longer the fight goes, the more masks you will have:
- Start of the fight = 3 masks (so 2+1)
- End of the fight = 5 masks (so 2+3)
There are two popular strategies for this boss, Liquid and Method.
This guide will be focusing on the Method strategy (surprise), as we think it is a more straightforward approach.
First let’s place some Markers. The markers need to be very precisely placed, otherwise the phantoms will be offset and cause issues during the fight.
Those markers are used only for the first set of Shadow Images in each phase
Next you want to have an idea how to initially place the Phantoms.
You always go for the tip of that arrow on the ground. Placing this properly is very important to avoid having some issues with dashes later on.
You should make a rule that on the initial spawn (so start of every phase) you never go to the red marker. This is mainly so that the tanks know that they will always place the boss on that side to spawn a portal there.
Lastly, each time you get the Queensbane debuff and you are going to shoot orbs, we want the following formation:
This simply means that every time you have the Queensbane debuff, you will go to +1 section in clockwise direction to drop the orbs (shown by the arrows on the image above).
It is very crucial here that the players go to the locations marked in the picture. It is super forbidden to get any closer than the markings, but it is allowed to go further to the back (although not recommended due to not being in range of healers/boss).
The exception for this is a player marked with number 5 (the player who was last to get queensbane applied). That player needs to move all the way to the back, as marked on the picture.
Now let’s look at the 2 sets of Dashes that you get.
1st set of Dashes
While this might look complicated initially, it really is very simple once you get the hang of it.
The player looks from which maker (Phantom) they are targeted by, and then goes to the 2nd maker in clockwise direction (+2). Have your players look at this image and imagine where they need to go if they are targeted by Yellow Image for example; the correct answer would be green.
And the tank just needs to put the boss to one of the markers where 2 Death Masks (red glowing phantoms) will cross, but note that this is not always possible, in which case you will have more masks to remove on the next set.
The final setup should look like this:
After the hit, the players simply move out to +1 clockwise section to fire out the orbs (as explained earlier in the guide).
2nd set of Dashes
This is a super simple set. All Phantoms have to hit the boss in the middle of the room, so you just go to the opposite side of the boss than the Phantom that is targeting you.
The main thing to pay attention to here is that sometimes, the boss might be a bit off centre because she moves very aggressively towards the tank. Players need to recognize this and just adjust the dashes a bit so it hits the boss.
The players also need to make sure to stand behind the image on the opposite side, because otherwise you will get hit by both.
If everything has been done correctly, intermission will start.
All you need for this phase is a proper formation and some practice.
Something worth noting here is that the tanks should play very defensively and not interfere with DPS a lot. It’s better to move out of boss range a few times to create space, vs trying to hit the boss at all times and causing more chaos in melee.
Another rule that you should have, is that on the Ranged groups, healers should never have to move from your Blaze line. Meaning that if you are standing in line with a healer, the DPS player is the one to move.
Lastly, do not try to save up on defensives, Health Pots etc in this phase, especially not early into progression. Just use whatever you have until the healers become comfortable.
Final Notes
The Queensbane DoT hurts a lot. Players need to pre-plan their personal rotation in order to survive everything. Certain Classes struggle more with Queensbane compared to others, for those that do, you will need to use healer externals to compensate.
A good rule of thumb is that you have 1 external running for each Queensbane set. There are 3 per phase:
- You have the initial one when you place the portals
- Then the +2 set of dashes
- Then the middle set of dashes
A paladin sac is great for the initial set because melees cannot get targeted by that one. If Paladin was to Blessing of Sacrifice on the 2nd or 3rd set and both the paladin and the Blessing of Sacrifice target have Queensbane, then the paladin will most likely die, hence why you want to use that one on the 1st set.
All other externals you can use whenever you like but as mentioned, you don’t need more than 1 player with an external per set.
One important thing to keep in mind is Time Dilation usage (Evoker external). If you are going to use it on a player, make sure to use it after the Initial Queensbane hit, because if you do it before, the DoT you get from TD becomes bigger.
5 vs 4 healing
Early progression, it's for sure better to start 5 healing, this will add more stability to the fight, especially the intermission. However, keep in mind that this fight is still a very tight DPS check. So, once you manage to have a pull with everyone alive that was played properly, you will see where you end up numbers wise. If you notice that your DPS is way too tight, I suggest dropping a healer and go for the kill.