Liberation of Undermine

Stix Bunkjunker Heroic Boss Guide

Stix Bunkjunker
Heroic Mythic
Last Updated: 6th Mar, 2025

Raid Setup


Welcome to our Heroic Stix Bunkjunker boss guide, for the Liberation of Undermine raid. Learn about Stix Bunkjunker mechanics and the strategy we recommend to defeat this boss on Heroic difficulty!

Step onto the field for an encounter that’s sure to have you rolling around, collecting junk and crashing into bombs. Packed with enough fun for everyone to join in, this fight promises chaotic gameplay that will ignite fiery voice comms and explosive moments. Prepare for an unforgettable clash that will leave your raid team roaring with laughter, or frustration.

Fight Style: Multi-Target Cleave encounter

Recommended Composition: 2 Tanks / 4 Healers / 14+ DPS

Enrage Mechanic: Hard Enrage if a bomb goes off, Soft Enrage increases attack speed after each Overdrive

Heroism / Bloodlust: Use on Pull

Guide Author's Thoughts

This boss encounter brings a refreshingly unique approach, especially for one of the earlier challenges in the raid. The rolling ball mechanic is both entertaining and satisfying, a rare feature that genuinely makes players happy when they get the chance to use it. Additionally, the boss feels exceptionally well-tuned and polished, so we don’t anticipate significant changes before it goes live.

One minor enhancement we’d love to see is a visual indicator for the number of garbage piles needed to increase the ball's size. This would eliminate the reliance on a WeakAura and make the mechanic even more intuitive.

Method Boss Rating: (5/5)

Easy Mode

  • Tank Stix near Territorial Bombshell
  • Kill Bombshells first
  • Collect garbage and adds using the balls
  • Small ball: Collects small garbage & adds
  • Medium ball: Collects both small & large garbage piles
  • Crash large ball into an explosive
  • Interrupt Scrapmasters
  • Spread out with Incineration rings
  • Dodge the large blue ring during Overdrive


Electromagnetic Sorting Mechanic Icon

Electromagnetic Sorting

When Stix reaches 100 energy, a series of events are triggered:

  1. Garbage Pile are spawned
  2. Up to 5 players gain the Rolling Rubbish Ability
  3. Discarded Doomsplosives and Territorial Bombshells are spawned

Additionally, Hyenas and Scrapmasters will spawn.

Players need to deal with Doomsplosives and Bombshells in time to prevent lethal raid wide damage.

If done correctly, the boss will cast Overdrive and energy will reset.

Garbage Pile Mechanic Icon

Garbage Pile

Garbage Piles that are stationary on the floor, in two sizes. The small piles can be picked up by any ball size, but the bigger ones need the medium ball size or larger.

A Garbage Pile will become ignited and spawn a fire puddle on the ground if touched by fire circles that players gain during Incinerator.

Rolling Rubbish Mechanic Icon

Rolling Rubbish

Random players (max 5) get to run around on top of a ball. This is announced when Electromagnetic Sorting is cast, so you have several seconds to prepare for this. The ball moves forward constantly and cannot be stopped unless destroyed. Players can steer the ball in all directions except reverse.

Your goal is to pick up garbage and all the little adds that you stumble upon. Every few garbage piles consumed, your ball increases in size. There are 3 size stages: Small, Medium and Large.

Small can soak only the small piles and all the adds. Medium can soak small piles, large piles and all the adds. Large can soak everything and destroy Discarded Doomsplosives (bombs).

Crashing into the boss will inflict up to 1.5% of Stix max HP based on the ball size (0.5% for each size). This will also eject all the adds that you picked up on top of the boss and apply a debuff that makes them take 100% increased damage.

Crashing into Territorial Bombshell will destroy the ball and trigger Short Fuse (don’t do this).

Discarded Doomsplosive Mechanic Icon

Discarded Doomsplosive

A large bomb that explodes after 26 seconds and wipes the raid. Your goal is to simply crash into it with one Large ball to prevent it from exploding.

Territorial Bombshell Mechanic Icon

Territorial Bombshell

Bombshells will initially spawn on a large garbage pile, usually close to the boss. They are CC immune and won’t move until they reach 75% HP. After 30 seconds, every Bombshell will explode and trigger a Short Fuse debuff that is applied to the entire raid. Having several of those go off at the same time will lead to deaths and potentially wipe the raid.

Killing a Bombshell before the 30 seconds expire, will not trigger a Short Fuse.

Scrapmaster Mechanic Icon


Little add that is spawned as a medium sized circle that has to be dodged initially. When spawned, they will target random players with Scrap Rockets which can be interrupted.

Junkyard Hyena Mechanic Icon

Junkyard Hyena

Hyenas spawn from the sides of the room and will attack whoever aggros them first. They do heavy physical damage and apply a healing debuff.

It is recommended to pick up as many Hyenas as possible with the Ball.

Incinerator Mechanic Icon


Random players are affected with fire circles that deal damage to anyone around them and additionally turn Garbage Piles into Hot Garbage if touched.

This will create a fire puddle on the ground and release Toxic Fumes which is a raid wide debuff that initially deals low damage but ramps up if several garbage piles are ignited.

Demolish Mechanic Icon


Tank buster ability that forces tanks to alternate who takes the hit. Debuff lasts for 50 seconds and applies a 100% damage taken debuff (from all sources).

Meltdown Mechanic Icon


Heavy tank damage dealt over 3 seconds, forces heavy defensive usage and additional spot healing.

Overdrive Mechanic Icon


Stix flies up, becomes immune to damage and covers the arena with small blue circles that need to be dodged. Eventually, Stix will crash into a random area, creating a massive (15y) circle that needs to be dodged. Upon crashing, the entire raid takes heavy damage.


This fight is a very hard mechanical check that punishes all your mistakes. This boss only has one phase, with repetitive mechanics that progressively become harder to deal with.

Each time Stix reaches 100 energy, a series of events will trigger, this ends with the Overdrive ability, which makes Stix fly for a few seconds and crash into the ground, dealing massive raid wide damage. Afterwards, Stix gains a permanent 25% attack speed buff until the end of the fight and allows him to spawn more Explosives / Bombshells.

Setup: an example of the potential spawn locations.

stix bunkjunker explosive and bombshell spawn examples

There are several things to pay attention to here.

First of all, we want ranged players to spread out as much as possible. This will make Incineration a non issue because you will be standing alone most of the time.

It will also make it easier to collect garbage piles, should you get picked to ride the ball.

The explosives marked above are the most common spawn locations, usually you will get 2 explosives close together. In the case that you have a 3rd one at the later stage of the fight, it tends to be on the complete opposite side.

Another thing that is important is the Hyenas spawn locations. They tend to come from the sides and will aggro the first player that touches them (or a healer if nobody is touching them). This is bad, because several hyenas hitting 1 player will most likely instantly kill the player. To deal with this, it is recommended to have Ball players pick up Hyenas as they spawn, because this tends to happen at the same time.

Lastly, we have the Bombshells, which are a crucial mechanic of the fight. They tend to spawn in a triangle formation close to the center of the room. They always spawn on a large garbage pile, so if you happen to have none in close proximity, you might get an awkward Bombshell spawn.

How to deal with Territorial Bombshells

When Territorial Bombshells spawn, they cannot be moved away from a large Garbage Pile until they reach 75% HP. When they do, they will simply aggro someone (the tank preferably) and move towards there. You can use all sorts of CC to group them up easier (after 75%).

Bombshells have a 30 second timer, after which they explode and apply Short Fuse to the entire raid. Having several Bombshells go off, will apply multiple Short Fuses which usually leads to deaths or a wipe.

Your goal here is to kill the Bombshells before the timer runs out, because killing them does not trigger Short Fuse.

Be careful not to run them over with a ball, because this will instantly destroy the ball and trigger a short fuse.

Bombshells have a higher damage priority than the boss, and should always be the main target.

How to deal with Garbage Balls

Once the boss reaches 100 Energy, up to 5 players will get randomly selected to do the ball (Rolling Rubbish). You will get a mark above you, so you have a few seconds to place yourself in the best position.

Balls move on their own and cannot be stopped, you can only decide the direction.

stix bunkjunker rolling rubbish

You want to set up 5 markers, each player targeted by the ability should go to one of the markers. From there you just have to imagine you have an area around your maker that you want to clean up.

The ball has 3 stages:Small, Medium and Large.

  • Small balls can only take small garbage piles and all adds.
  • Medium balls can take small and large garbage piles, and adds.
  • Large balls can do everything, and hit the large explosive bomb to destroy it.

The rule of the thumb is, if there is an explosive up, this is your main goal and you should always move towards it if it’s up. If someone is going to destroy it before you, you can always divert your direction and crash into the boss for some extra boss damage.

Always aim to pick up any adds running around, they will be released once your ball despawns or if you crash into the boss, and will take 100% increased damage.

Final Notes

Remember that after each overdrive (boss crashing into the ground), you will get more Explosives and Bombshells. The Heroic Stix Bunjunker fight might seem very easy at the start, but it can quickly spiral out of control later on, not to mention that having an explosive go off at any point of the fight will lead to a wipe.

Your players also need to ignore the boss damage that you deal when you crash into the boss. Every size does 0.5% boss damage, meaning that if you hit the boss with the biggest ball, this will deal only 1.5%. Only do this if it's very safe and all explosives have been destroyed.


Northern Sky: Liberation of Undermine WeakAura Pack

This WeakAura also requires the Northern Sky Database and Functions WeakAura.